Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Sixty days sober!

Happy 60 day sobriety birthday to me!

Let me just say this:

The first thirty days were, with a few notable exceptions, mostly sunshine and bunnies.

The second thirty days were, with a few notable exceptions, a real bitch.

But here's me, feeling better than ever. How naive of me to think it would always be easy! What worth having is ever easy? I have learned to trust God - because no matter how bad things have gotten, haven't they always been okay in the end? I'm a fighter, always have been. No matter how tough this gets, I can be tougher.

When you can't run, you crawl. And when you can't do that, you find someone to carry you.

Thank God for my friends, who carry me when I can't find the strength to run. I love you guys.

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