Aaron and I went hiking at Kanopolis State Park on Saturday.
Not only was it awesome, but I didn't die!
We got a MUCH later start than we planned, on account of my uncanny ability to sleep in. It was probably aaround 1 when we got up there.
First stop: Mushroom Rock. It's actually two collections of rocks on either side of the road. It was pretty cool. The bathroom was disgusting - I got my 50 in hovering.
Next stop: Faris Caves. They are small, man-made, and full of water. I was disappoint. I wanted to get my spelunk on.
On our way back to the main road, we passed a gang standoff. There were cows on one side of the road and horses on the other. They looked pissed. What I REALLY wanted was to pet a cow, but the cows were standoffish and the horses were not. So I was willing to settle for petting a horse. Then another horse came over, so I was petting TWO HORSES AT ONCE! It was very exciting, can you tell?
The REAL hike was through Horsethief Canyon. There's a little creek that runs through, and the stone walls are COVERED in carvings...now including a "Suck It Joeski" - WorkPLace represent! At one point we saw a cave on the other side of the creek...so we pushed through the brush (much of which was thorny), crossed the creek, and climbed up to the cave. It was deep enough to crawl into, but not so deep that someone standing at the mouth couldn't still see you. We had a nice bit of a sitdown there.
The latter half of the hike was crappy. Literally. Because we were on a horse trail. Aaron says I got my 50 in dodging horse poop! We did find this epic towery kind of rock jutting up from the bottom of the canyon, and I won't discuss HOW he got there, but I've got pictures of him on it.
When we got back to the car, I was amazed I was still alive. We were taking a breather when we heard - a wild Galaga! If anyone knows what kind of bird has a call that sounds JUST like Galaga, please share.
On the way home, we stopped in Lindsborg, a.k.a. The Borg, a.k.a. Little Sweden. I mention this for one reason: fake horses. I dunno what it is, but there are horse statues all over town, mostly the same shape but painted differently. Our favorite was the one outside the bank, which has horns and wears athletic shoes. We got a picture of me on it...then we saw the "Please Keep Off" warnings. Oops.
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