Wednesday, May 2, 2012

I do believe we're making progress!

I feel good. Okay, that's not entirely true. My left shoulder hurts pretty good today, strange since yesterday wasn't an upper body day. Unfortunately, today *is* upper body day and pushups and dips on this shoulder aren't looking like a good idea. But, I still mostly feel good, because after a little over 2 weeks of diligent working out and mostly diligent healthy eating, I'm down to a weight I haven't seen in three years! My body feels better and my shape is slowly starting to change. It's not just the physical progress that's making me so proud. I'm seeing what I'm really made of - pushing myself past my comfort zone, moving beyond what I *know* I can do and learning about what I really can do. My mood has never been better. Once a week I take a depression tracking quiz. On April 14th I scored a 53 - severe depression, clinical intervention recommended. A week later I got 28- moderate depression. Last weekend I was down to 15 - risk of mild depression. No meds, no major improvements in my external circumstances, just internal work. And it's nice to have a quantified record of my progress to accompany the qualitative results. I am through settling for what I have and what I am and what I know I can do. I'm ready to stop coasting and start *living* for a change.


  1. yay jacki! keep it up you are doing great and looking awesome! :)

  2. Be careful Jacki, the curse of overworking without the necessary rest period and recovery will (I know this from personal experience) bite you in the arse, or in my case the left ankle. I am off the crutches now and getting back, slowly to the eventual run.

    I love your spirit of change and living (i'll say) again.

    I hope we get to speak again some day soon.

    - B
