Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I should have taken the blue pill!

Monday night, I had a crazy dream. It was so real and so vivid that I was completely lost when I woke up.

I was in California. It was beautiful, must have been Spring. I was visiting my friends. I remember being on my phone, arguing with my mom that I didn't have time to come visit her, and then jumping out from around the corner to surprise her. Then we climbed some spiral staircase and had lunch.

This is where it starts to get intense. I was with my friend Aaron. He took me to this place where there was a hammock overlooking a valley full of yellow wildflowers.I remember the press of the hammock against my bare arm, the warmth of his arms around me, the smell of his cologne and the faint but present smell of his cigarettes. Everything was so THERE. He asked me to marry him. I said yes. We celebrated with our friends, we moved in together.

One day we're sitting at the table, I'm looking at wedding magazines. I can remember the taste of my coffee, the weight of the cup, the grain of the wood, the angle at which the sun was streaming through the windows. Suddenly, I could hear a woman's voice. He couldn't hear it. It kept getting louder. I stood up - and I was in the valley of wildflowers, and the sky is dark, and I can still hear the voice.

It's a woman's voice, cold and detached. It sounds as if she's speaking to someone else, talking about something I don't understand, something technical. I can't remember what she said at all. Only that it terrified me, and that I KNEW I was crazy.

Then I woke up. Lost. Shaking and drenched in sweat. I couldn't figure out why I was in my "old" room when I don't live there anymore. I could picture every detail of my bedroom in my dream, although I don't ever remember seeing it. It took about ten minutes for me to sort out reality.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes, the best part about dreams is that they aren't real.
