Monday, January 23, 2012

Love and truth.

“The worst thing you can be is a liar….Okay fine, yes, the worst thing you can be is a Nazi, but THEN, number two is liar. Nazi 1, Liar 2.″ - Sam Halpern

I absolutely hate being lied to. It's just about one of the most selfish, hurtful, disrespectful things you can do to a person. When you lie to someone, you're 1) assuming the person you're lying to is too stupid to figure it out, 2) showing that you don't think their worthy of honesty, and 3) taking advantage of trust that they chose to invest in you.

And I really can't stand it when people think it's okay to lie by omission. The ones who keep something from you, and when you confront them about it, they treat you like you're stupid and say "well, you didn't ask" as if that justifies it. When someone I care about does that to me, it feels like a knife in my heart.

When you lie to someone, it affects everyone that person cares about, because every betrayal makes it harder for that person to trust again. It's not just the simple pain that comes from finding out you've been lied to, it's the subsequent fear, anxiety, paranoia...the stress of questioning everything and everyone.

I'd rather be beaten, stabbed, or shot than be lied to.

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